Help Chi’s Sweet Home

March 15, 2011

Click for special Chi picture of encouragement by Konami Kanata

When ever there is a disaster, whether it’s an earthquake, tsunami, or both in the most recent case in Japan, calls immediately go up to donate to the Red Cross, or any of the dozens of other charity organizations set up to send relief to the people affected by the devastating event. But there is another group that is just as affected, if not more, that rarely gets any attention. Pets.

I make no bones about being an animal lover, and in a disaster like this, my first thoughts are for the animals. Shelters are made for people, and pets can be left to fend for themselves when push comes to shove. Fortunately, there are people who think of the animals too, and there are efforts already underway to get help to the animals in the affected areas.

The Conscious Cat has a some great links for donating to help pets, and cats in particular. The World Vets, the top link, has a direct link to their Japan Disaster Relief effort. They have team en route to Japan, but do need donations for supplies. Or of you know a vet, they could use the supplies direct. The Best Friends International blog has information on ARK (Animal Refuge Kansai), with what they’ll being doing and how you can help.  Serbian Animal’s Voice blog has a lot of great links that includes relief organizations, shelters and information on missing pets. It also has links to news updates and videos.

I know there are a lot of cat lovers who are also manga lovers, but did they know there is an island in Japan that is dedicated to cats? Cat Island, or Tashiro Island as it’s officially known, has been a sort of tourist attraction, as the majority of residents are cats. It is also in the Miyagi Prefecture, which was hit hard by the earthquake and tsunami. Fortunately, cats and people survived with just some water damage, and the island sinking 30 centimeters, as The Cat’s Meow reports.

Pets are our best friends, always there when we need them with a comforting purr or gentle nuzzle. Even in the worst of times. Now it’s our turn to return the favor.

If you’re still determined to help people as well as pets, go to Anime and Manga Bloggers for Japan, and donate to one of the charities endorsed there. Thanks to Daniella Orihuela-Gruber for coming up with the idea and setting it up.

One Comment

  • Ricki March 17, 2011 at 2:18 am

    The CAT ISLAND cats and humans are okay??? YAY!!!!! I would like to donate money STRICTLY TO THE CAT ISLAND. How do I do that??? Please private message me at my Facebook: RickiSmith. Thanks.

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