Why Quality Control Matters

March 20, 2008

I don’t know if it’s just me, or if I’m the only person left reading this manga, and I don’t want to beat on CMX, since they have been making inroads for bringing out new, good manga, but this has really been bothering me.

One of the series’ CMX is releasing is King of Cards, a kind of shojo version of Yu Gi Oh!, but not really. It’s a good series, with enough tweaks to make it different from the other card game manga. Well, I finally got around to reading Volume 2. I got King of Cards Volume 2about 2/3 of the way through the book, right at the climax of the main game of the book. It’s the page where the heroine stands up, proclaiming “I Win!”, but her opponent just smirks and…it immediately repeats the last 20 pages, coming back to that same page, but on the next page the action picks up several more pages in! I have no idea what happened! Why Manami didn’t win! Why she and her cousin were looking at playing her opponent again!!! Why?! Why right there?!?!
King of Cards: Volume 2

I stopped reading, since is seemed kind of pointless to go on without knowing what happened to get to that page. I then did the one thing that seemed logical. I contacted CMX and explained my situation. It’s not like it was my fault, and I couldn’t return it. I preordered it through Previews. A few days later I got a reply back, apologizing for the error and offering to send me a replacement as I requested. All I want to do is finish the story. A week after my email, I get a package in the mail, or a brand spanking new King of Cards Volume 2. I turn to the place where the printing error was…..and this one has the same error! I emailed CMX again, telling them of the problem. They apologized again, thanked me for letting them know, and that seems to be the end of it.

But, I’m still in the same situation. I can’t finish reading the story. I searched around online, and didn’t find anyone else complaining of this problem. I couldn’t find anything on Volume 2 beyond sale items. I found one preview for volume 2, but that was it. So, am I the only one reading this series? Did no one else get to the end to notice the printing error? Or am I the unluckiest person on the planet to have gotten two books with the exact same printing error in twice?

When I contacted CMX about this, it didn’t seem too concerned about it, so I don’t know if they really didn’t know, or just didn’t care. This is really frustrating to me. I don’t quite know what to do, since I don’t know if it’s just me. I don’t want to buy another copy. I certainly won’t find one in my local bookstore or LCS. It’s not popular enough to get stocked. And I don’t want to try online only to find I get the same printing error AGAIN. If anyone has any suggestions, or has a good copy, please let know.


  • Sabrina/Foggi March 21, 2008 at 6:15 am

    Well…you could try ordering a copy at a Borders or a Barnes and Noble, if there’s one near you. Then, when it comes in, (if it comes in), flip to the section that has the printing error in your two copies. If the error is present, tell the cashier/clerk person, or send another email to CMX. It all depends on how much you really want to know what happens. I’ll check at my trusty local Borders where I buy 99.9% of all my manga, and see if they have it, and if they do, if that error is present.

  • Sabrina/Foggi March 21, 2008 at 11:25 am

    Update! I went to the Borders today, and they happened to have a copy of King of Cards Vol. 2 on the shelf. I flipped through it til I found the sequence that you said was messed up. In this particular copy, I didn’t see any error. ><

  • Lori Henderson March 21, 2008 at 12:57 pm

    Then it’s just my lousy luck? That sucks… I guess I’ll try looking this weekend. It’s Barnes and Noble close to me, but their selection sucks. I don’t know if I can talk my husband into going to Borders though…

  • KerorinSama April 15, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    I ordered my copy from Amazon. It has the same print error. šŸ™

  • Lori Henderson April 15, 2008 at 5:12 pm

    Send it back and make them find a good one! I can vouch that they do exist. I found one at my local Barnes and Noble. But CMX should be ashamed that not have these gotten out, but they can’t even take the time to check their own review copies.

  • picha girl August 23, 2009 at 9:02 am

    ive got the same missprint in my manga too.
    but things clear up in the 3th or 4th manga…
    it is a missprint,but a missprint from another vol,whene shes droping by mistake shaghan and someone chanllage her to gat it back.

    the 4th manga is really good,thats a shame its so hard to gat the vol.s…

  • cubrikaska October 2, 2009 at 7:26 am

    Todo no tan simplemente, como parece

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